- 2022-02 Open ARPA Checking Bank Account
- RESOLUTIONS 21-10 Budget Amendment
- RESOLUTIONS 21-09 Shoreland Stabilization
- RESOLUTIONS 21-08 Ward Boundaries Adjustment
- RESOLUTIONS 21-07 Ward Boundaries
- RESOLUTIONS 21-06 Budget Amendment
- RESOLUTIONS 21-05 Approving Ord Amnd Which Creates Revisions to the LinCty Zoning
- RESOLUTIONS-21-04-Approving-Rezoning
- RESOLUTIONS-21-03-Authorizing-Official-of-Responsible-Unit-Recycling
- RESOLUTIONS 21-02 Public Records Requests Fees
- RESOLUTIONS 20-03 Designate the Foto News as the Legal Publication for the Town of Merrill
- RESOLUTIONS 2020-07 Budget Amendment
- RESOLUTIONS 20-02 Approving the Town of Merrill Election Day Contingency Plan
- RESOLUTIONS-20-06-Adopt-Amendment-to-2020-Budget
- RESOLUTIONS 20-05 Adopt TOM Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- RESOLUTIONS 20-04 Adopting the Town of Merrill Personnel Manual21-09 Shoreland Stabilization